The Abripi people are a dying race. A central government dissolved, they function as loose tribes with tentative peace treaties among them. They are constantly training warriors to fight against the Kupati, but remain in fear of their old friends who have the appearance of being stronger than ever. Consequently, they often end up in skirmishes with one another, each tribe seeking to rule over the others. Culturally, the Abripi people view with some distaste all Tamashp religions as well as the 7 gods, but practice elements of both in their own way.

Their religion focuses much more on the natural world, and the practice of magic which has a strong history of being taught and learned within each tribe. They are incredibly mistrustful of ‘foreign magic’, believing that only their ways can produce true and potent power and others are merely tricks or evil spirits working through humans. They do not have much respect for other cultures, knowing their own culture could have once been a power in the world, and feel their destiny to be great leaders stolen from them by the Kupati and Padi. However, they will tolerate trade from both places, mistrusting to the point of hate those who travel from Troe. Of Taipiape, they are indifferent. Other than fighting and magic, the Abripi people mostly produce food to remain self-sufficient gaining money in trade for their herbal teas, and sometimes artisans that produce jewelry or totems made from animal bones to sell to other cultures. In Ellewauma, the largest territory and home of the largest tribe, some have even begun to make and sell small stones and trinkets that supposedly help in magic ritual. Slowly, they are gaining a reputation for being the most powerful mystics since the Drepa or Pruci people, though this is not the case. They are also tied to many romantic believes about culture since their land is far from most established empires, also untrue. The people of Abripi are of average or slightly shorter stature with tan skin and deep red or auburn hair of incredible silkiness. A trait highly valued by the Abripi people is deep black hair. Abripi fashion is often little more than swathes of cloth covering their sensitive areas – genitals or feet – due to severe heat and humidity in their territory. Much of their land has become marsh-like (everglades) so they are strong boaters for short distances and shallow water. loves art and is a very visual city to display the power and wealth to foreigners that is indeed dwindling. Their recurring colors are gold and shades of green, both stones used to build many of their structures. Reds and blues are also highly valued. Their art is mostly soft in nature, focusing on gods in human form as well as the everyday life of royalty and priesthood. Their clothing is dramatic, covering their whole bodies despite the warm weather of their home, consisting on the outside of a large stiff cloak that appears like a triangle on the body, painted in rich golds and blacks in patterns that showcase the owner’s wealth. Priests are less covered – to show humility to the gods they are often wearing more jewelry (stones which are thought to be associated with religious power) than clothing. Their language is built on the ??? type.