contributorHuscilusstart Etymology History Geography Demographics Economy Culture Transportation Government and politics Etymology History Geography...
contributorKol's MelancholyKol's Melancholy was a weather event at the end of the Age of Intikilla in the LÄ“ Gata Era. Also known as the Iokeihiko Super Volcano...
contributorKothed (Deity)Kothed is the singular God worshiped in the canon of Tamashp religions. Kothed is omniscient but not omnipotent, an uncreated and...
contributorKvyiandatdraKvyiandatdra are a nomadic, ultra-adaptable, deep cosmic species of unknown origin. Though they may be countless numbers of them drifting...
contributorIlith KalIlith Kal is one of the oldest cities in Dakra. Originally developed by ancient peoples as a farming community, the lucrative Rosemint...
contributorNtsuj-EngenabantuNtsuj-Engenabantu are 'Crede created through inorganic means. History Methodology Contracted Summoned Scientifically Modern Usage History...
contributorCyam (Graphic Novel)Cyam is a graphic novel written at the turn of the century by Monde Gleese. At its debut the story earned little attention but gained a...
contributorLÄ“ Gata EraThe LÄ“ Gata Era is marked by the return of seafaring people, especially those apt in long distances. It is sometimes called the...
contributorUncrossable EraUncrossable Era is marked by the period of time between the rise and fall of the first nations due to the supervolcano disaster "Kol's...
contributorEchtoan Pantheon The Echtoan pantheon of gods is robust and diverse. Because it is practiced around the world, many variations can be found and attributed...
contributorKothedKothedism is a popular school of thought within the Tamashp religion. It incorporates traditional Padi, Trebori, and Kupati folk and...
contributorXoXo was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals that formed an integral part of ancient Tapiapeian society. Ritual, prayer,...
contributorEjeheiliEjeheili is the old religious beliefs of the bavas. Ejeheilis and their beliefs have been described as "secretive"; some tenets of the...