Anodynes are a somewhat recent discovery. Not supernatural but rather paranormal or paranatural, they possess abnormally powerful barriers that not only protect them, but others from supernatural influence.
An anodyne is like a human +. While humans (except natural witches) are born with the innate ability to suppress the supernatural (and thus have a hard time believing it exists), Anodynes are a step further than that. They not only suppress supernatural forces from affecting them, but also dampen the effects of supernatural effects on others. Their ability to keep the unknown out transfers to other people. Most anodynes have no idea they have this ability and like anyone else would have difficulty believing they had any unique power, let alone that anything supernatural existed at all.
Barriers Abilities Application of Anodynes
an anodyne works kind of like a water filter. They take in everything – even what they can’t perceive, even things from others – and filter it into the clean ‘water’ which can be consumed (or in our case, comprehended by people). If there is a little too much dirt in the water – if there’s a bit too much supernatural energy – it won’t work as well, and the Anodyne will become tired, maybe even fall ill. But if you try to put a thick sludge through a water filter, if there’s too much dirt, the filter will become clogged. In that same way, if there is too much supernatural energy, the Anodyne will be overpowered by it, and become sick.
Application of Anodynes