Bamic Egland was a prominent entrepreneur, patron, and social figure best known for his revitalization of the city of Lath. bamic comes to lath. 12 years after, he builds a mansion and moves his family there. 8 years after that is the beginning of his life-long battle with the Inoyni. another seven years pass and Bamic is getting older, so he gives much of his responsibilities over to his sons and daughters and siblings. His lifestyle catches up with him around 68, when he becomes too ill to continue working, about 30 years after his first visit to Lath.
Bamic was eccentric and known as a ladies' man. His first wife, still living, bore him 1 son. They split during the move to Lath. His next long-term relationship was with a girlfriend that he had 2 daughters by. When that relationship ended, Bamic finally settled down a second time with wife 2, the love of his life, who had a boy and a girl together. This wife died, and Bamic returned to his first wife. He was known to have many affairs at all times and likely has many unknown children. Many of these children of his affairs end up working for the Egland family cult rather than being involved with prominent business.

The Bic Hotel Area: Downtown Description: Named for the city’s most eccentric patron, the Bic Hotel boasts not only the best views of Downtown Lath but the best rooftop bar to enjoy them from; Bic-a-Brak. Every cocktail is named after something Bamic Egland did (or was credited for doing) during his lifetime, so the place is just as much museum as it is lounge. Food options, though pricey, will not disappoint, and the small interior bar is open year-round. Catch the outdoor patio anywhere from June 5th to October 31st from 5pm-2am. If you happen to be around for Victory Month or for Echtoan New Year’s, the entire hotel becomes a hot spot for lavish themed parties that last long after hours. Try: 6:50 from Waters This drink, based off Bamic’s famed train ride from Ioki Waters to Lath (if you aren’t familiar, ask your server to explain this classic Lath story), is a bitter lavender concoction balanced beautifully with honey, rose, and tea-infused vodka. It’s absolutely the essence of summer.