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Corio Hupke

Also known as 'the jackal killer'.

Carrion, savanging, marking territory, mates for life. What can we do with this?

I guess he’s this kind of guy; he stalks his prey, learning their movements and schedule. He urinates around their homes and workplaces, marking his territory before kidnapping them and taking them to a separate location of his own design, his ‘den’. There he tries to convince his victims they are his ‘mate’, holding them long enough and sharing enough to form a bond. He does not stop this until they become lovers, which is believed to be consensual by the state of the bodies. He stays with them for several weeks until the woman wants to leave, then he becomes enraged and kills them. He dismembers the body, mutilating it and ultimately displaying it in varying locations. He sometimes writes the word ‘carrion’ with these sculptures.

open up to the vic, make the vic feel safe, even loved. Get them to sympathize. This eventually leads to SS and a physical relationship of some kind – in this case, Terren tops (fear of bottom) and Jack gives a lot – all the rest of the physical stuff – Jackal even believes he loves the vics too. Normally once they begin to reject them he kills them (rejection can happen in many ways to Jackal) because he ‘mates for life’ and ‘can’t move on until the last mate is dead’. He usually cries over the corpse – again, he believes it really is love.

early life

1403 arrest


1406 arrest



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