Though now in ruins, the Pruci people were once the unchallenged rulers of the known world. Highly developed culture and technology led them to a golden age that has long since ended, one that was over even before Tamazi crawled up on to his mountain. Other countries still respect and almost fear the area called the ‘basin’ which served as the Pruci homeland for generations. The area is reminiscent of a barren sea, a symbol of the power the Pruci once held.

Now, very few Pruci remain, and their homeland (like their culture)is in tatters. Many claim to have Pruci blood – this is part why the Tapiape royal family has such a strong hold on their throne. However the only true Pruci people are a few small, mysterious tribes still living amongst the wreckage. It is interesting to note that no one knows for certain all the reasons behind Pruci’s eventual failure, the secrets may only be known by the few Pruci who remain. Though other countries have great respect for these people, they are not always trusted. Depending on the place and time, a visiting Pruci might be treated as a visiting dignitary but quietly disposed of in the dead of night. Because of Pruci’s mysterious but powerful past and their history with magic. In 378, a mysterious girl is seen traveling throughout the known world, ‘influencing’ strangers and making a name for herself as a miracle worker and oracle.
The people of Pruci are stereotypically of average height with deep skin and black hair. An uncommon but highly valued trait in Pruci culture is golden eyes.
The buildings in Pruci are stone and wood. They are the ruins of cubic or rectangular buildings with high columns and tall ceilings. Smaller structures, which are inhabited by modern Pruci, are less substantial and mostly made of recycled wood. Their recurring colors are turquoise and gold. Their art is mostly lost, but is loose forms in brilliant colors, probably having to do with their religion and rituals, as well as everyday life.