Part of Asiri Asa. The Erah people are strong but disorganized, strung together with a loose system of Lords. Ritual is important to them, and theater plays an important role in this. Their ‘plays’ are based on their myths surrounding their god and the creation of the Erah people. This has earned them a particularly strong reputation in the slave trade as sex workers due to the extravagant customary that elsewhere, is found to be erotic. Especially famous is the ‘blackweed mouth’, a visual effect created by sucking on a black root that grows exclusively in Erah territory which dyes the interior of the mouth and center of the lips black. This character in the play is a personification of Death, and also includes in its design black charcoal around the eyes often topped with oil. The role is often played by male youths though the look has become desirable for both genders and many ethnicities sold as slaves as well. The clothing of the Erah people mostly consists of linen-like garments ‘sewn’ with strips of leather – both sexes often shirtless save for the same thick strips of leather wrapped around the chest. Their bodies are often painted in dyes or with mud, which is a tribute to their god, and why their clothes are so minimal. Shoes are made of leather and are only worn when necessary. Hair is unimportant and often worn short, sometimes even bald, for both sexes.

The people of Erah are stereotypically of average height with pale skin and dark hair. An uncommon but highly valued trait in Erah culture is unnatural colored eyes – deep purple, pale blue.
The buildings in Erah are thatch roofed, temporary structures made of mud and grasses, made sturdier with stone bases. Their recurring colors are deep blue and coppery red, both easy colors to create from local plants. Black, from dried leather or blackweed, is also a common color. Their art is mostly organic shapes rather than geometric ones that focuses on religious belief, the human figure, and the movement of water and the sun/moon. Their language is built on dichotic B and is one of the most complicated languages to learn, so translation to and from is difficult for those who have never spoken a dichotic language. A dichotic language is spoken with some letters being dual toned, but like words with the letter Z or X, are not common. Dichotic B has more words of two tones than A.