The Padi people are part of Asiri Asa. The Padi people are mostly of taller than average height with pale skin and blonde or brown hair. Has cities. The capital is Onani magic, religion based on many gods but later Tamazi under Tahmasp, legends based on Tapiapre Tamazi myths and Pruci myths.

Padi is also still influenced by Tahmasp, as most citizens still align with Tamazian. However, since the end of their golden age in 200, they have struggled to return to a place of power. Many of them suffer poverty, and many have converted to the more strict Tahmasp practices common of Deneians. Because of their ruthlessness during their golden age and their sacking of what many still considered to be holy land, it is difficult for them to form trade relations. Only cities on the river across from Tapiape can boast some wealth by 378. The Epata, who boasted great ancient thinkers and rich culture in the past, have now become all but swallowed whole by Troe. The two have a symbiotic relationship, Troe protects them and Epata enhances the culture. However, there is deeper turmoil, as Troe becomes large to a fault and Epatan citizens grow weary of their rule, of their lands being taken, of their changes. Unfortunately, being a well-respected and wealthy nation with many trade connections (not discriminating between money earned and money stolen when it comes to dealing with other countries), Epata has grown to a point of stagnancy, they have no army to assemble and no common belief to bind their people together, not since before the common era did warriors in Epata exist.