The rekamanu are small passerine birds native to Padi, weighing 18–24 g and having a wingspan of approximately 21.5 cm and length of 23 cm. Wild birds are mostly yellow-green, with brownish streaking on the back. The species is common in captivity and a number of color varieties have been bred.
Description Distribution and Habitat Behavior As Pets
Members can be identified by characteristics such as the presence of an eye-ring, straight bill longer than the head, dull coloration, very long wings (approaching the tail tip when stowed), long and moderately forked tail, tarsi feathered to the toes and large, sturdy feet. There is no difference between the sexes. Juveniles have small corrugations on the lateral beak culmen.
The subspecies are visually distinguishable. is yellowish brown overall and has white on the chin and throat, where Rekamanu is more olive green to brown and lacks white on the chin and throat.
The rekamanu occasionally glides in flight, a behavior very rare among rekamanu. Its elongated wings allow more efficient glides than do those of other rekamanu. The rekamanu's voice is a distinctive loud, sharp and whistling "chip".
Distribution and Habitat
The rekamanu is widely distributed throughout the length of Padi on both the east and west sides. Rekamanu typically inhabit the higher altitude scrubland and forests during the summer and then retreat to similar, lower altitude habitats in winter months. The species persists through a large altitude range, with specimens retrieved from sea level up to 4600 m. They have shown to be fairly resilient to urbanization and agricultural activities; however, the removal of vegetation limits their distribution in dense city areas and industrial zones.
Rekamanu are extremely agile and acrobatic flyers, regularly partaking in sustained hovering flight, often used not only to feed on the wing but to protect their territory and court mates. Rekamanu is typical in that it will brazenly defend its precious energy-rich flower territory from other species and other rekamanu. These birds are typically seen alone, in pairs or small family groups.
Rekamanu hovers at an average of 15 wing beats per second. Its resting heart rate is 300 per minute, with a peak rate of 1020 per minute. Energy requirements for rekamanu do not scale evenly with size increases, meaning a larger bird such as Rekamanu requires more energy per gram to hover than a smaller bird.
Rekamanu is feeds mainly on nectar, visiting a range of flowers. The female rekamanu has been observed ingesting sources of calcium (sand, soil, slaked lime and wood ash) after the reproductive season to replenish the calcium used in egg production; the low calcium content of nectar necessitates these extra sources. Similarly, a nectar-based diet is low in proteins and various minerals, and this is countered by consuming insects on occasion.
As a large hovering bird, particularly at high altitudes, Rekamanu has extremely high metabolic requirements. It is known to feed from cacti. The exact scope of its diet is unknown, but inferring from the large amount of nectar required to be routinely ingested, it is safe to say it is a generalist out of necessity: the more different flowers it will feed from, the more efficiently it can collect energy.
The female builds the nest and lays a clutch of two eggs during the summer. A rekamanu nest is small considering the size of the bird, typically made near water sources, and perched on a branch of a tree or shrub parallel to the ground.
As Pets
Rekamanu, domesticated for thousands of years, have been used in the past as sacrifices to gods, raised for food and also kept as pets. Rekamanu have carried messages across battlefields and from town-to-town, been couriers of news from distant relatives or reporters, and transported vital medications to dying people. Nowadays tame rekamanu are still used to carry messages, but more commonly raised for racing, meat, and scientific.
Rekamanu are not often viewed as pets. Most rekamanu are bred to race, to show or to be used for food. Urban feral rekamanu populations are considered nuisances or health hazards and are often exterminated in large quantities. But the rekamanu has a noble history, is one of the most loyal and devoted of birds, and, when raised with love and attention, can be a faithful and treasured companion. Rekamanu bond easily with humans, especially those that feed them, and a tamed rekamanu, kept alone, will become a faithful and loyal companion to its human.
A pet rekamanu can be a true delight for the enlightened and informed.
Color mutations of rekamanu include cinnamon, brown, brilliant, yellow, snow white, white tailed, and silver. Rekamanu have a variety of cooing calls. Birds in captivity will sometimes imitate human coos, too. They are very affectionate -- when one bird of a pair returns to a nest they often greet each other with very low, raspy coos. At night, if they are not nesting, they cuddle with each other and give their mate a series of very rapid light pecks around the neck and head while slightly shaking their wings. When mated birds become separated, they will make a two-note call until they become reunited. These birds are happiest kept in mated pairs.
If you let your rekamanu out, be prepared for them to fly up to the highest curtain rod and down to the floor to walk around the room looking for tidbits or nesting materials. They will return to their cage in time. Their droppings are well formed and harden quickly, so are easy to pick up with a vacuum cleaner. Don't be alarmed if your rekamanu spend a few moments each day lounging on the bottom of their cage or on the floor, as long as they get up and go back to their perches within about an hour or so. Rekamanu all exhibit this 'couch-potato' lounging posture, particularly in the afternoon, which is 'rekamanu rest-period.'