Part of Asiri Asa. The Tapaipe people are diverse, some devoutly religious, and those living in Hucslisus reside in one of the most diverse and exciting cities in Asiri Asa with an economic and arts center nearly without rival. There are three main religious groups at play; the __ who believe in the old ways – the seven gods, the strict Deneians who practice the most rigidly traditional Tamazi teachings, and the prevalent Tamazians with many different sects. Keeping the small country stable and wealthy is the rule of the royal family, an absolute power that the public both respect and fear due to their claims to ties with the ancient Pruci people. Magic is outlawed in Tapiape, but this is mostly done to keep their relationship with Troe and other neighbors nice and clean – the rule is not strictly enforced and the massive population makes it impossible to truly control. In fact, everything in Tapiape, especially in Hucsilus, is a giant mess of congregated cultures and beliefs that is only brought together under the rule of the royal family, and they work very hard to make this so. Though the whole country is fairly interested in art and design, the royal family is by far the most elegant and noble – having all the qualities most desired by the public. They also claim to be direct descendants of powerful Pruci leaders from the distant past, even going so far as to do some of the most extensive research into the history of the so called ‘Basin of the World’.

The Tapiape people are mostly of average height with tan to deep skin, and generally have kinky thick brown or black hair.
Tapiape loves the physical appearance and will often has very visual, dramatic trends. Their recurring colors are deep blue and deep red, both imports, but receive rainbows of colors from Dakra and Troe. Their art is mostly geometric in nature, reminiscent of a mix between art deco and traditional dutch shapes and patterns. The main focus of art is not just beauty, but also on the multiple religions in their area and everyday life. Their language is built on the romantic type and is not complicated to learn, possibly why they have been so successful in trade.