Part of Asiri Asa. For the past hundred years, the people of Ticatn have built a reputation around the known world as strong warriors and travelers. They pillage, burn, steal, but are also savvy merchants and are able to quickly acclimate to any society. Above all, they are able to export strong warriors and mercenaries. Recently they have gained a slightly higher respect from more established nations by entering the lucrative slave-trading business, attacking mainly Erah and Redgrah and bring slaves to rich, more established places. Interiorly, Ticatn is not the established nation that Padi or Taipepre is. It is united under the __ Dynasty, though their influence is not strong enough to keep others from doing basically whatever the hell they want. One of the strongest prevailing elements is the caste system, with farmers at the bottom, then laborers, craftsmen, merchants, warriors, religious leaders, sorcerers, and finally nobility.

A Ticatn sorcerer is always a female who practices magic. They may be employed by a wealthy family as a seer, or work on commission, or simply study their own craft. A male can learn magic, though this is looked down upon, and male sorcerers are prosecuted, sometimes sold into slavery or even killed by others in their community if caught practicing magic. This stems from the idea that male strength comes from the body where female strength comes from the ‘soul’, so likewise female warriors are looked down on. The Ticatn people are mostly of taller than average height with pale skin and light colored hair. An uncommon but highly valued trait in Ticatn culture is silver hair (light gray in a youthful person). The buildings in Ticatn are made of wood and more recently stone, historically long and low buildings resembling boats. Recently they are favoring ‘giant’ architecture seen in Epata to impress wealthy visitors and strike fear into slaves. The stones, which are a very plain and unpolished medium gray, are painted with extreme detail and occasionally decorated with precious metal inlays. The more prominent the family the more gemstones and metals decorate their halls. Most buildings also have small personal rooms aside from the ‘great room’. The great room is for everything but sleeping and storage of personal items. Their recurring colors are deep blue, gray, and white. Blue is an easy paint color to mix from local plants, and white is the color the stones turn when polished (however, it takes so much effort/expense to polish the stones that it is not usually done in large scale). Silver, gold, and gemstone colors are of the highest regard. Their art is mostly geometric shapes based on the shapes of stones and gems, the art of Epata and Trebori, and religious belief. Their language is built on strong group and is not complicated to learn.