In Iokeihiko society, history is measured by both eras and ages. 'Age' is the longer measurement, the shortest encompassing at least 500,000 years. A new age is heralded by massive global change; the rise of civilization, the extinction of a 'Crede family, the founding of Tamashp and global technological advancement. There have been three ages of Io. The First Age or the Age of Atua Hīkoi, the Second Age or the Age of Intikilla, and the Third Age, or the Age of Enlightenment. Prior to the advent of diverse life on Io, years are often measured with the title OC (other conflicts) or as Celestial Years.
Eras are contained within ages. These measurements are generally more fluid in nature, with some overlapping and some only recognized by certain parties. Within the most recently ended age, Intikilla, there are at least three eras generally agreed to.
Other Conflicts
Also called the 'prior age' (PA). This 'age' historically reaches from 2500 mya to about 5 bya. To give references of time to other celestial bodies, the measurement of CY (celestial year) is used. This form of measurement was adopted by Hwoxin, Deerless, and uembian populations, possibly in their contact with Westerners.
Atua Hīkoi
The first age. it encompasses the birth of the world to the rise of civilization. It is the era of primitive life, many say the eras in which the gods walked. It saw the origin of life to the breaking up of the various 'Crede families that would eventually inhabit the world. 4 billion yrs - 2500 million years ago.
Age of Intikilla
The second age. it encompasses the formation of many biped genus. Ka'a'Crede families began forming societies with permanence; erecting structures and assigning social groups. It spans the beginnings of villages to the destruction of the Pruci and Drepa empires during the Iokeihiko Super Volcano catastrophe. It also encompasses the direct aftermath, including the First Voyage and human migration across the globe. began 500,000 yrs ago. It includes the Invitcus Era, the Uncrossable Era, and the Lē Gata Era.
Age of Enlightenment
Age of Enlightenment - tamazi. Now in the 1400s