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Axxie Cats

Writer's picture: contributorcontributor

One of the more popular house cat breeds is called ‘Ax Cats’ or ‘Axxies’. These are domesticated from a mountain dwelling feline that is often associated with Axwil Tov, due to their largest populations living in the upper regions of the Makomos in Iokeihiko. Axxies are known for their love of precarious heights and incredible leaping. Typically the cats are docile, independent, and bond only to one person. Domestic Axxie cats are much more companionable.


Appearance and Temperament

Upkeep and Health



The Axxie Cat is unquestionably one of the oldest known breeds, but no one knows exactly when they originated. The best known tale is that today’s Axxie is a descendant of sacred cats worshiped as physical manifestations of Axwil Tav in the temples Iokeihiko. The Axxie became a popular cat for visiting Hwoxin, who admired the cat's predatory and survival skill. As early sailors, the breed's association with the Ectoan god of wind would likely have also appealed to them. Axxies were brought to Marcwith in many locations but thrived in Hwox due to similar climates. Without question, the breed was promoted and refined by the Hwoxin until conflict drove them from the mainland. After the massive migration of Hwoxin back to the upper island, few Axxie Cats remained in what is today Northern Marcwith. Today, the breed is much more popular due to selective breeding by Deerless and humans populations in Marcwith.

Historically the Axxie Cats are scavengers, staying in small packs in winter months and usually solitary in the summer. In plentiful summers, they are also known to be opportunistic ambush predators.


Appearance and Temperament

Confident, bold and alert, the Axxie can be a popular choice for households. As befitting their self-assured nature, Axxies tend to be headstrong and stubborn.  They can be reserved or guarded toward strangers and generally only bond with one person, making them a popular choice for single young women as well as older adults. They may be overly assertive if they perceive that their family is being threatened, so they need daily socialization from a young age to prevent minor incidents in and out of the home.

Selective breeding of domestic Axxies has led to smaller sizes and a variety of coat colors and patterns. They generally have larger, more dramatically pointed ears than typical house cats, a trait common in many Iokeihiko animals. Their distinctive split tails make this smaller-bodied cat appear larger, especially when seen from below. The tail of an Axxie Cat is not solid at birth but already 'notched' at the tail's base. The depth of the split is dependent on the litter; usually only one kitten per litter has the deep-set split the breed is known for while others have a small split only an inch or two deep.


Upkeep and Health

The primary health concern of Axxie Cats are their dental hygiene. In addition to a row of sharp, meat-tearing teeth, they also have a hard row of flat teeth behind their upper gums used to grind meat or vegetation in the mouth. Like other cats and dogs, Axxies cannot form pre-digestive saliva and have evolved to be able to grind vegetation during lean mountain winters. The Axxie Cat needs daily physical and mental activity like a vigorous game in a safe area or training lessons. They typically enjoy cool weather and may become overheated in hot weather. Their coat care is minimal, consisting only of occasional brushing to remove dead hair.


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