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Poyali are dinural animals that have been domesticated as house pets since the late 900's. They resemble spitz-type domestic dogs but are actually an entirely different species. They are easily recognizable by their small, goat-like horns and hard cloven feet similar to the white tailed deer. They are known for being independent and sometimes aloof, especially without proper socialization. They can be rowdy and sometimes violent in mating season, so spaying/neutering surgery is always recommended.



The origin of the Poyali is unclear; but they are clearly of spitz heritage and may have been used as early as the 300's in Iokeihiko as a natural 'weeder' for farmland.

The Axxie Cat is unquestionably one of the oldest known breeds, but no one knows exactly when they originated. The best known tale is that today’s Axxie is a descendant of sacred cats worshiped as physical manifestations of Axwil Tav in the temples Iokeihiko. The Axxie became a popular cat for visiting Hwoxin, who admired the cat's predatory and survival skill. As early sailors, the breed's association with the Ectoan god of wind would likely have also appealed to them. Axxies were brought to Marcwith in many locations but thrived in Hwox due to similar climates. Without question, the breed was promoted and refined by the Hwoxin until conflict drove them from the mainland. After the massive migration of Hwoxin back to the upper island, few Axxie Cats remained in what is today Northern Marcwith. Today, the breed is much more popular due to selective breeding by Deerless and humans populations in Marcwith.

Historically the Axxie Cats are scavengers, staying in small packs in winter months and usually solitary in the summer. In plentiful summers, they are also known to be opportunistic ambush predators.


Appearance and Temperament

The Poyali is moderately compact, being slightly longer than they are tall. They have typical traits of dogs from northern heritage: erect ears, thick fur, powerful body, and curled tail. Their expression is often bold, spirited, and good-natured. Their gait is light, quick, and agile, with an effortless, smooth stride. The Poyali's double coat consists of a strong straight outer coat with a soft undercoat, imparting great insulation. Their fox-like face can appear questioning and mischievous, even impudent. This is an agile and active animal that although small, can easily become aggressive over territory and seasonally, with possible mates, if not properly socialized.


Upkeep and Health

The Poyali needs a daily workout, either in the form of a vigorous game in the yard, a long walk, or a good run in a fenced area. Their double coat needs brushing one or two times weekly and more when shedding.


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