Dakra is a country within Asiri Asa. In the past it stretched from the Gulf of Epata in the south to the Okean Sea in the north, although after the Erebetic Conflict its borders decreased dramatically. Modern day Dakra borders Iokiurus, etc., etc. Like much of Old Asiri Asa, Dakra has remained ethnically consistent, with many inhabitants able to trace their ancestry back to the seven kingdoms of Old Dakra.

Dakra is one of the oldest recognized countries in Asiri Asa with historic borders stretching from the northern to southern borders of the continent. Prior to the Age of Enlightenment, Dakra was a lesser territory of Pruci used mainly for farming. Few elements of this period of time still exist and many historians believe that the land was given up entirely over a century prior to Kol's Melancholy. Though sparsely populated, the indigenous people were able to survive by following the seasons from the northern and southern extremes of the continent. These routes eventually became the borders of the country. As Io entered into the AE system of years, the history of Dakra can be more extensively plotted.
Old Dakra
Three Kings Period 187
conflict with redgrah
Seven Kings Period 230
dark age, slave trade
Northern Alliance 351
rebuilding age
Redline Period 378
dark age
Pre-Erebitic 440
golden age, Cottonsilk and Rosemint
Modern Dakra
Erebetic Conflict 1000
slavery ending, borders re-established
Anteseuka Period 1089
repercussions of slavery and border changes
Dakra under Troe 1112
troe conquers, dakra fights back
Communism 1302
attacks on ilith kal, freedom from troe
Post-Communism 1383 - present
By year zero, they had successfully fought back the bizarre Redgrah, but were now dealing with the ruthless Ticatn, raiders from the north. When Troe approached them in 210.
Troe betrayed them in 230, plunging them into a dark 100+ years of crumbling nothingness. They are still recovering by 378, recently attempting for form a ‘northern alliance’ with the Ticatn, Redgrah, and even the removed Erah.
Their strongest territory is also their largest, Endovers, where some wealth has been recovered by the production of cotton-based silk. The production of this fabric has allowed the look of silk to be recreated in a less expensive fabric, which has been appealing to the middle classes of Ticatn and opened trade opportunities there. Dakra, but specifically Endovers, then became home to a class of people very interested in travel and trade, hoping to bring wealth back to their home.
Dakra may properly be divided into two parts, the uplands of the north (the region of North Dakra), and the alluvial along the Gulf of Epata coast. The alluvial region includes low swamp lands, coastal marshlands and beaches, and barrier islands that cover about 12,350 square miles.
The higher and contiguous hill lands of the north and northwestern part of the country have an area of more than 25,000 square miles. They consist of prairie and woodlands. The elevations above sea level range from 10 feet at the coast and swamp lands to 50–60 feet at the prairie and alluvial lands. In the uplands and hills, the elevations rise to Ibeal Mountain, the highest point in the country at only 600 feet above sea level.
The southern coast of Dakra in the Asiri Asa is among the fastest-disappearing areas in the world. This has largely resulted from mismanagement of the coast. At one time, the land was added to when spring floods added sediment and stimulated marsh growth; the land is now shrinking. There are multiple causes.
Artificial levees block spring flood water that would bring fresh water and sediment to marshes. Swamps have been extensively logged, leaving canals and ditches that allow salt water to move inland. Canals dug for the oil and gas industry also allow storms to move sea water inland, where it damages swamps and marshes. Since the coastal wetlands support an economically important coastal fishery, the loss of wetlands is adversely affecting this industry.
In between the tertiary rocks of the north, and the relatively new sediments along the coast, is a vast belt known as the Pleistocene Terraces. Their age and distribution can be largely related to the rise and fall of sea levels during past ice ages. In general, the northern terraces have had sufficient time for rivers to cut deep channels, while the newer terraces tend to be much flatter.
Salt domes are also found in Dakra. Their origin can be traced back to the early Gulf of Epata when the shallow ocean had high rates of evaporation. Salt domes are important not only as a source of salt; they also serve as underground traps for oil and gas.
Dakra has a humid subtropical climate, with long, hot, humid summers and short, mild winters. The subtropical characteristics of the country are due to its low latitude, low lying topography, and the influence of the Gulf of Epata.
Rain is frequent throughout the year, although from spring is considered the wet season. In summer, thunderstorms build during the heat of the day and bring intense but brief downpours. In winter, rainfall is more less intense.
On occasion, cold fronts from low-pressure centers to the north, reach Dakra in winter. Snow is annual but minimal, although residents in the northern parts of the country might receive a large snowfall a few times each decade.
Dakra is often affected by cyclones and is very vulnerable to strikes by major hurricanes, particularly the lowlands around and in the Ilith Kal area. The unique geography of the region, with the many bayous, marshes and inlets, can result in water damage across a wide area from major hurricanes. The area is also prone to frequent thunderstorms, with over 60 days of thunderstorms a year. Dakra also averages 27 tornadoes annually. The entire country is vulnerable to a tornado strike, with the extreme southern portion of the land slightly less so than the rest of the area.
Population Density
The majority of the country's population lives in southern Dakra, spread throughout Greater Ilith Kal and the alluvial coast, while Central and North Dakra have been losing population. At the 1402 census, Dakra had an apportioned population of 3,251,754.
According to immigration statistics in 1398, approximately two percent of Dakrans were immigrants, while four percent were native-born citizens with at least one immigrant parent. The majority of Dakran immigrants came from Iokiurus (16%), Abripi (15%), Kupati (10%), the various islands of lesser Fylan (9%). Among the immigrant population in 1398, an estimated 42,500 were undocumented. Ilith Kal has been defined as a sanctuary city.
There are an estimated 3,100 homeless people in Dakra.
Race and Ethnicity
Dakra has remained almost entirely human throughout its known history. Less than 2% of Dakran citizens in 1400 claimed indigenous ancestry, while 34% of vuilenzand humans claimed to be descendants of basin cultures.
By the 12th and 13th centuries, the country's population fluctuated between vuilenzand humans and pigmented humans; 47% of the population was pigmented, coalesced, or uembic in 1200. The pigmented Dakran population declined following migration to other countries in effort to flee Dakra/Troe conflicts.
Present-day Dakrans have adhered to a variety of religions and spiritual traditions, the most popular being Tamashp. Among its Tamashp population the majority, particularly in the north of the country, belong to various Denien denominations. Deniens are concentrated in North and Central Dakra.
Southern Dakra is predominantly Kothed in contrast; according to the 1400 Public Religion Research Institute study, 22% of the adult population were Kothed. As Kotheds continue to constitute a significant fraction of Dakra's population, they have continued to be influential in country politics. The high proportion and influence of the Kothed population makes Dakra distinct.
Outside of Tamashpic faiths, Dakra was among the southern countries with a significant Echtoan population before the 13th century. Echtoan communities have been established in the country's larger cities, notably Ilith Kal. Other non-Tamashp and non-Echtoan religions with a continuous, historical presence in the country have been Kelua, Mageroa, and Oroic.
Their language is built on dichotic B and is one of the most complicated languages to learn,